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25 Things You Could Be Doing Instead Of Shopping – Spring Edition

Full Of The Joys Of SpringPlanting in spring

Things to do in springHave you ever felt compelled to shop because you have some free time? Maybe you are bored or feel like you deserve to go shopping as a treat? Often this can turn into a bad habit. Growing up and spending Saturday afternoons hanging out at the shopping centre can be fun. However, as an adult, random shopping trips can turn into an added expense. In addition there is the guilt factor for buying a load of things you don’t need! Whether you use shopping as a social activity or you scroll mindlessly through websites in the evening, there are more fulfilling activities you could be getting up to. And spring is the perfect time for starting something new!


Here are 25 Things You Could Be Doing Instead Of Shopping This Spring

  • Plant seeds. Whether you have a huge garden or a space on the window sill, gardening in spring is good for the soul. Seeds can be bought cheaply or you can even keep them back from any vegetables in the fridge. Herbs are easy enough to grow – rosemary and thyme plants should last for years.
  • Fire up the bbq! 
things you could be doing instead of shopping - Keukenhof Gardens


  • Visit gardens. If you time it right, cultivated gardens are blooming in spring. One of my favourites is Keukenhof Gardens in The Netherlands but check out google for something a little closer to home.
  • Kayaking. Whenever I travel on holiday I like to fit in a few hours kayaking. It’s relaxing as well as a great way to see more of the area. Lately, I tried it closer to home and it was just as fun. Most places with a river have somewhere to hire kayaks for a few hours.
  • Walks. If you are a seasoned walker, you may walk all year round. However, you can take the more hesitant family and friends with you now!
  • Check out the cherry blossoms, magnolia trees and wildflowers. There’s a certain joy of seeing the first flowers blooming and even more so when coming across a street full of cherry blossom. Take a moment to appreciate it.
  • Sit outside a cafe, beer garden or rooftop bar. I look forward to doing this all winter! Just taking the time to sit and breathe the outside air is so worth it. The area in Scotland where I come from doesn’t really have many places with outdoor seating and it’s definitely something I would change if I could.
  • Eat local seasonal food. Everything starts to grow again in Spring. My favourite is the strawberries. There are little stalls popping up everywhere in Berlin with local strawberries and asparagus. You can always forage for your own food if you are knowledgeable about it or visit local farmers markets. Similarly, supermarkets often have local and seasonal fruit and veg. I know this is technically shopping but a girls got to eat!
  • Outdoor cinema. I was surprised to find there is actually one near where I live, maybe there’s one near you too. It’s the start of everything moving outdoors whether it be festivals, shows, gigs or whatever you are into!
  • Open the windows. Take a moment to let the fresh air into your home after the long cold winter.
  • Exercise in the park. Visit the local park for a jog, walk, exercise class or just bring your yoga mat and go for it alone.
  • Bike rides. When the weather starts to get a bit warmer, bike rides become a more pleasant way to travel.
Things to do instead of shopping - bike ride
  • Spring cleaning. Enjoy a tidier and more organised environment by cleaning out the winter dust.
  • Get a new haircut. And change up your look.
  • Celebrate all the spring holidays. It’s the bank holiday season!
  • Pack away all the winter clothes. Leaving room to see the clothes you really want to wear and making your wardrobe less cluttered in the process.
  • Pedicure. In the hope that the warmer shoe weather is approaching!
  • Visit the beach before it gets busy for summer. Wrap up and take in the view.
Things you could be doing instead of shopping - at the beach
  • Explore a new part of the area you live in. There’s always something that’s been missed before.
  • Enjoy the water. A canal, lake, river or ocean. Swimming in the sea or rent a boat for a lake. Likewise a stroll along the embankment.
  • Picnic Time!
  • Get out of town for a few days. Road trip anyone?
Things you could be doing instead of shopping - sightseeing
  • Explore a new museum. Or even an old favourite, especially for the rainy days.
  • Invite friends round. Even better if you have an outdoor space.
  • Hike to the highest point in your area.

For more sustainable fashion info

100 Ways to Embrace Sustainable Fashion

For parts of the world with a different climate, check out these 25 things you could be doing instead of shopping in the summertime or these 25 things you could be doing instead of shopping in the autumn and 25 things you could be doing in the winter.

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About Me

The Green Edition is a journey to help slow down and appreciate the smaller things in life. With tips for shopping more consciously and simplifying your life.

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