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25 Things You Could Be Doing Instead Of Shopping – Autumn Edition

Autumn – The Golden Season.
Instead of shopping

Instead of shoppingHave you ever felt compelled to shop because you have some free time? Maybe you are bored or feel like you deserve to go shopping as a treat? Often this can turn into a bad habit. Growing up and spending Saturday afternoons hanging out at the shopping centre can be fun. However, as an adult, random shopping trips can turn into an added expense. Plus there is the guilt factor for buying a load of things you don’t need! Whether you use shopping as a social activity or you scroll mindlessly through websites in the evening, there are more fulfilling activities you could be getting up to. Autumn means the weather is getting cooler and the nights are drawing in – leaving lots of time for picking up a new hobby!

Here are 25 Things You Could Be Doing Instead Of Shopping This Autumn.

  • Go foraging. Autumn is the perfect time for a rummage around the countryside. Apples, pears, hazelnuts, blackberries, sloe berries, sweet chestnuts, rose hips, fungi. Do your research first though! Or better yet, go with someone who knows what they are doing.
  • Go to the cinema. I like to check out the local cinema as soon as the temperatures begin to dip. Enabling the opportunity to get out of the house while still essentially watching tv.
  • Bubble baths are made for colder months.
  • Visit a pumpkin patch. Ok so this is definitely more of an American tradition, but one I am happy to adopt. Also, just pumpkins in general. Carving, using as decor, to eat both sweet and savory, in drinks!
Instead of shopping
  • Plant bulbs for next spring. As soon as the temperatures start to lift, snowdrops appear. The first clue that spring is on its way. It’s definitely worth investing in the time and effort to plant them now if you can.
  • Cook stews, soups and crumbles. The food in season in northern Europe includes apples, pears, blackberries, butternut squash, leeks, potatoes. For a more in-depth list check here. Also, all the pies – apple, pumpkin, blackberry. There’s lots of inspiration on Instagram and Pinterest for any budding bakers.
  • Drink hot spiced cider, pumpkin spiced latte, and hot chocolate. Warming and tasty.
  • Knitting, sewing, crochet? I always have a project on hand for when the nights start drawing in. This year I am determined to finish a jumper I started knitting last Christmas. Fingers crossed I can actually wear it this year.
  • Celebrate Halloween. The type of celebration will probably be dependent on whether you have kids or not. You can go as small as watching scary films or go big with a Halloween party.
  • Dig out your cosy clothes and winter boots.
  • Collect conkers to play with. They also look good as home decor along with pine cones and rusty coloured leaves. Pinterest has some great images and tutorials for autumn wreaths and garlands that you can make with them.
  • Go for a hike. The countryside is turning brilliant colours and shouldn’t be missed. Get outdoors before it turns too cold!
Instead of shopping
  • Clear out your kitchen cupboards and donate to a local food bank.
  • Toast marshmallows on an open fire. This brings back memories of brownie and guide camps and I try to do this whenever I get the opportunity. Which isn’t often!
  • Make your own toffee apples. How amazing do these look?!
  • Wrap up warm and eat a picnic outside – it is lovely to eat outdoors while you still can.
  • Visit a museum. Often musuems will start new exhibitions will start up in the autumn months.
  • Apple bobbing!
Instead of shopping
  • Walk through the fallen crunchy leaves, just watch out for any animals that might be resting.
  • Pick some books to read on those chilly autumn evenings. I’m on my second book from this list. It’s lovely to put the phone away and concentrate on a book for a while.
  • Pull out the board games. Great for the kids but also the adults too. I’m a huge Scrabble fan.
  • Watch the sun rise and set while it happens at reasonable times. The colours are beautiful and can often be seen from your home. But you can always go on an adventure to find the best lookout spot.
Instead of shopping
  • Spend the evening inside wearing cosy knitted socks. I store my big knitted socks away in the summer and I’m always delighted to see them again in the autumn.
  • Take a haunted house tour. Google it, there might be something like this close to you.
  • Invite friends or family over. For food, tea, a film or board game, your choice!

If it’s not autumn in your part of the world, check out these 25 things you could be doing instead of shopping in the summertime!

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About Me

The Green Edition is a journey to help slow down and appreciate the smaller things in life. With tips for shopping more consciously and simplifying your life.

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