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A Week In April

And The Start Of May

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Some photos from the past week. It was my birthday yesterday and I’m tired out after all the wine and cake!

I took a venture into the British Heart Foundation secondhand shop in Aberdeen amid celebrating and found the cutest sparkly heart shaped bag. I have been a bit disappointed in the second hand and vintage shops in Aberdeen after living in Berlin. However, I decided to look again with fresh eyes! There are a lot of secondhand shops in Aberdeen, most are small but there are a few gems. If anyone has any favourites, please let me know.

I’ve been wearing this trench coat on repeat. It’s from Cos and is made from organic cotton. I’ve emailed them in the past asking for information on their sustainability practices but they didn’t really answer. I checked their website recently and they have gone back to using non-organic cotton. It’s a shame but I’m not totally convinced about the organic claim anyway.

The scarf on my bag was a gift from my sister. And the gold boots are a secondhand eBay buy. I recently found another beautiful pair of gold knee high boots secondhand. They aren’t my size but I’m sure someone else will love them.

This woman cheered me up on the way home. Another trench coat fanatic! She has a purple tint in her hair and beautiful red lipstick.

This little plant shop was closed for the majority of the covid years. I think it was a butcher the last time I lived in Aberdeen so a plant shop is much more pleasing for a vegetarian like me. I only realised when I took the photo that it has roots hanging above it!

Below are yellow flowers in the local park. If anyone knows what kind of flowers they are then please let me know. They are so pretty against the grey background.

A rare moment of sunshine in Aberdeen and I’m often seen hurrying to the coffee shop on the corner. It’s the perfect spot for blocking out the sea wind. I’m wearing my go-to dress of the moment, it’s a mixture of jersey on the top and linen on the bottom half. I’ve worn it all year and recently braved it without tights. It works in spring if I wear socks, boots and a coat on the top!

And a birthday cake!

Fancy more reading? What about Spring Vibes and Sustainable Jeans?
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The Green Edition is a journey to help slow down and appreciate the smaller things in life. With tips for shopping more consciously and simplifying your life.

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